DAYA NIMAI DAS andean yoga flow
the andean yoga flow is a form of sequencing and integrating the different groups of asanas of the yoga practice with the philosophy behind the three worlds within the Andean Cosmovision The sequence is divided as follows uku pacha the underworld below connected with the seated postures twists side stretching spinal movement hip openers and ground level forward bendings Awakening the spirit of the Snake and invoking the knowledge of our ancestors honoring Pachamama Pranayama Ashvini Mudra 2 andean yoga f low Element Earth Chakras Muladhara Prakruti Kappha Time The Past Planets Venus and Saturn
kai pacha The here and now hanan pacha the world of the realm of the present connected with spirits above connected with inversions vinyasa core strengthening standing such as head elbow and handstands postures knee to elbow exercises backbending postures chest openers abdominal work arm balancing postures Awakening the spirit of the Condor Awakening the spirit of the Puma and and invoking gratitude prayer and invoking how to be fit present and ready detachment Honoring Wiracocha for action honoring the Apus divine realm celestial beings Pranayama Kapala Bhati Pranayama Antar Kumbhaka Element Fire Water Element Wind Chakras Swadisthana Manipura Chakras Vishudi Ajna Sahasra Anahata Prakruti Vatta Prakruti Pitta Time The Future Time The Present Planets Mercury and Jupiter Planets Sun and Mars andean yoga f low 3
opening the practice Invite your students to sit close their eyes and engage in ujjai breath The sitted posture must be comfortable legs crossed soften the inner groins knees open to the sides sit bones to mat spine straight chin tucked back of the neck is flat crown towards the sky Allow them to welcome themselves into the space by listening to their own breath using this breath to expand their body awareness and dissolve the contents of the mind and the impressions of the day 4 andean yoga f low
setting the intention Bring the palms in front of the chest and invite students to connect with their personal intention or share with them the energy of the day Bring the palms to the third eye and ask them to connect with the vision of themselves up to their highest potential Bring the palms to the sky and connect with father sun invite them to receive guiding and support from above Bring the hands down to earth and connect with mother earth invite them to connect with the root chakra and its relevant issues such as feeling nourished provided and protected Bring the palms to the chest again touching the sternum and invite them to connect with Sat Cit Ananda their own inner body of bliss Take a bow andean yoga f low 5
WARM ING UP 6 andean yoga f low
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1 Apu Connection Sit crossed legged on the mat Open hands to the sides On your fingertips press the middle line Lift the chest Internally release the notion 8 andean yoga f low between left and right
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2 Shoulder Squeeze Bring hands back interlock your fingers Pull the shoulders back lift the chest Chin to chest Straight spine 10 andean yoga f low
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3 Neck Stretch Bring your right hand on the left side of the head Extend your left arm parallel to the mat Allow your right hand to gently pull the head Stretch your left arm shoulder away from ear Gently release change sides 12 andean yoga f low
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4 Spinal Movement Hands on knees three circles in both directions with straight spine directions with flexible spine shoulders side to side Hands on knees three circles in both Hands up interlock your fingers and move 14 andean yoga f low
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5 Chest Opener Hands on top of thighs fingers pointing in Lift shoulders towards the ears Roll the head of the shoulders outward Squeeze the shoulder blades into middle line Lift the chest 16 andean yoga f low
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6 Heart Offering Hands forward palms facing each other Apply shoulder loop bring elbows behind the ribs Lift the chest palms facing up Offer the heart 18 andean yoga f low
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UKU PACHA THE UNDER WORLD 20 andean yoga f low
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1 Shoulder Blade Squeeze Bring the hands up open and close your fists Then with open hands bring elbows gradually down next to the ribs Squeeze the shoulder blades lift the chest Hold for 5 breaths Release andean yoga f low 23
2 Side Stretching Extend arms to the side Bring one extended hand to the floor The other hand on the hip with bent elbow Apply shoulder loop lift the chest look up Hold for 5 breaths Release Repeat on the other side 24 andean yoga f low
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3 Twist and Turn Bring left hand to right knee the right hand is back Gazing in the direction of the knee inhale lift the chest Roll the shoulder and then slowly look back as you exhale Hold for 5 breaths Release Repeat on the other side 28 andean yoga f low
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4 Twisted Side Stretch Bring left hand to right knee right hand on hip Lean the left shoulder to left knee Roll the shoulder lift the chest look up Hold for 5 breaths Release Repeat on the other side 30 andean yoga f low
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5 Dandasana Extend your legs forward roll the thighs in and pull both legs back Activate your feet heels out and toes in Hands forwards and then slide them back Roll the shoulders lift the chest Hands next to hip elbows slightly bend Hold for 5 breaths Release 32 andean yoga f low
6 Ardha Dandasana Pick up your right knee with both hands Slide the heel back to sitbones Hands back push yourself forward bringing the sit bones closer to the heel the chest Bind your knee with both arms press in and lift Tuck your chin in ears up Back of the neck is flat Hold for 5 breaths Release andean yoga f low 33
7 Seated Floating Pidgeon Open right knee to the side Right foot active bring the edge of the foot into left inner elbow Move side to side then back to center Press into chest lift the sternum and lean back gently Hold for 5 breaths Release 34 andean yoga f low
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8 Crossed Side Kick Grab the right foot with both hands kick diagonally over left leg Heel is kicking up roll the shoulders Lift the chest and gently lean back Hold for 5 breaths Release 36 andean yoga f low
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9 Akarna Dhanurasana Bow to Ear Pose Bend your right knee and pull it back to the side of the hip Bind toe and pull back Raise your left arm pointing towards the sky Hold for 5 breaths Release 38 andean yoga f low
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10 Janu Sirsasana Head to Knee Pose Heel on the perineum and toe of the right foot on left inner thigh Open your bent knee wider and turn to face the front Bring hands forward slide back roll the shoulders Inhale lift your hands up stretch and lean with your chest forward Press the base of the toes the sole and then heel Hold for 5 breaths Release REPEAT POSES 6 10 ON THE LEFT SIDE 42 andean yoga f low
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11 Baddha konasana Restrained Angle Pose Bend the kness and bring heels together Interlock your fingers beneath the feet Feet Press down hands pull up Find balance Straigthen your spine tuck your chin pull the crown up the forehead into the mat Inhale look up exhale lean forward bring 44 andean yoga f low
Hold for 5 breaths Inhale come up release the pose by pressing your heels and taking your feet forward andean yoga f low 45
12 Paschimotanasana West Side Stretch Legs straight feet facing foward Bring the hands forward slide them back roll the shoulders a long spine Inhale lift your hands Exhale fall forward with Grab the toes first then soles then heels Bring forehead to rest on top of the shins as you press the sit bones back Hold for 5 breaths release the pose 46 andean yoga f low
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KAI PACHA THE HERE AND NOW 48 andean yoga f low
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1 Paripurna Navasana Full Boat Pose Bring knees to the chest Balancing on top of the sitbones Hands on mat next to hips kick legs straight and up Heels out toes pointing back Strong legs Activate the knees Then extend arms parallel to the floor close to the thighs Hold the pose for 5 breaths and then release 50 andean yoga f low
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2 Urdhva Eka Pada Padangusthasana One lifted foot toe binding Pick up the right knee bringing sitbone close to heel Grab the right foot and bring knee to chest Extend the leg and bind the big toe with fingers Left hand on hip Roll the shoulder Lift the chest Open to the side Hold the posture for 5 breaths and come 52 andean yoga f low back to center
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3 Parivritta Urdhva Eka Pada Padangusthasana Revolving UEPP Bring the right knee to the chest Left hand on the outer edge of the right foot Lenghten the leg as you gaze back to your extended your right hand Chest is open to the side right arm parallel to the floor Hold the pose for five breaths Release Look forward Grab the foot with both hands Inhale forehead to 54 andean yoga f low knee Release
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4 Upavista Konasana A E Seated Angle Pose On extended legs separate your feet wide Bind your big toes with index and middle fingers Inhale open your chest Lenghten the spine as you exhale fall forward Hold the pose for 5 breaths Release 56 andean yoga f low
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4 1 Upavista Konasana A E Seated Angle Pose Inhale lift chest bend the knees Bind the toes heels together Holding the bind open and stretch your legs up Shoulders blades pressing Lift the chest Five breaths and release Bend knees heels together Press heels and straighten legs forward 58 andean yoga f low
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Transition Movement implies Hands behind the hips Lean back Knees to chest Kick feet up Legs active Heels out toes in Abdominal work a Keep the feet up 5 breaths b Lift and lower both legs 3 times c Both feet draw circles to the right 3 times d Both feet draw circles to the left 3 times Inhale lift and Vinyasa to Phalakasana 60 andean yoga f low
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5 Phalakasana Plank Pose Hands stacked beneath shoulders Fingers open index fingers parallel glutes active bring the belly button in Heels pressing back hip width apart Knees and Back of the body straight Hold the posture for 5 breaths Optional Chore Strenghtening Pushups 3 rounds of 5 each 62 andean yoga f low
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6 Vashistasana Named after the Sage Vashista Bring the right hand to the center of the mat Body turns sideways press the outer edge of right foot into the mat The left arm resting on the side of the body Bend the knee bind the toe straighten the leg and lift the foot behind right leg Hold 3 breaths and come back with left foot Optional Side Plank knee to elbow exercise 5 times on each side 64 andean yoga f low
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7 Camatkarasana Wild Thing Press left heel into the mat Keep the right leg extended Tuck the tail lift the hips Increase the curve on upper back as if you were leaning back Bring the left arm overhead and head back Hold posture for 3 breaths and come back 66 andean yoga f low to downward dog
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8 Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana Three Legged Dog From downward facing dog lift your right foot up keeping the hips in parallel toes looking down toes in and pressing through the heel leg straight stay there for 5 breaths and release the pose Then bring the right hip up toes looking side ways Finally bend the knee while opening the hip wider Optional elbow to knee five times 68 andean yoga f low
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9 Virabhadrasana Warrior pose Bring the right foot forward between the hands Knee aligned with the ankle thigh parallel to the floor Back foot 45 degrees or lift the heel for high lounge pose Square the hips find your foundation Hands forward shoulder loop and hands up Tuck the tail keeping the hips square 70 andean yoga f low
10 Virabhadrasana II Warrior II Bring the left hip back left foot parallel to edge of the mat thigh parallel to floor hips in one line hands expanding Keep your knee in line with the heel Lengthen the bag of the legs Dorsal region and Open your arms Shoulder blades squeezing Keep the spine aligned in the center Press the feet Gaze into the middle finger of the front hand Hold for 5 breaths Release andean yoga f low 71
11 Shanti Virabhadrasana Peaceful Warrior Bring the left hand to your back extended leg Tuck the tail open the chest as you lean back Roll the right shoulder bring arm overhead Lift the sternum lean back into the curve behind the heart Hold for 5 breaths Release 72 andean yoga f low
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12 Utthitta Parsvakonasana Extended Side Angle Pose Bring right elbow on the right knee Sit bones back chest forward then tuck the tail and lean the chest back Engage the legs as you press the back foot into the mat Left hand to hip roll the shoulder lift the chest and look up Inhale bring left arm over head left shoulder back Hold pose for 5 breaths and release 74 andean yoga f low
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1 Balasana Child pose Open knees mat width apart toes touching in the back Hands forward Send the sitbones back Increase side body stretch by walking the hands forward Hold for 5 breaths Walk the hands back to the knees Press hands into knees and lift the chest 78 andean yoga f low
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2 Ardha Ustrasana Half Camel Pose Place both knees on the mat feet hip width apart tucking the toes Lift the hips and align them with knees Bring the right hand to the right heel fingers pointing back open the chest and lean back Shoulders parallel to each other Bring the left hand overhead Keep the hips in place Release the pose by bringing left hand forward then the right Repeat on the left side 80 andean yoga f low
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3 Ustrasana Camel Pose Place both knees on the mat feet hip width apart tucking the toes Bring both hands to the heels Roll both shoulders outward Lift the chest from the back of the heart Tuck the tail keeping the knees in alignment with the hips Both hands pressing on heel To come out of the pose bring both hands 82 andean yoga f low back to hips and sit
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4 Supta Virasana Reclining Hero Top of the feet flat on the mat Place both knees on the mat lift he hips and roll the calves out Sit back sitbones on the floor between the heels Lean back placing your hands on the mat lower down to the elbows and then lean the head back placing the crown of the head into the floor Arms extended over the head Hold for five breaths To release press the elbows on the floor tuck the chin Bring your hands to the elbows and press back 84 andean yoga f low to seated
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5 Ardha Pincha Mayurasana Dolphin Pose Bringing your chest forward place your elbows shoulder width apart a bit forward lengthen the spine Interlock your fingers lift the knees and walk Press the elbows send your hips back Keep the legs straight heels pressing down Hold the pose for 5 breaths Drop the knees and rest 86 andean yoga f low
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6 Salamba Sirsasana Head Stand Place your elbows on the mat shoulder width apart Interlock your fingers tightly create a basket for the back of the head Lift your knees is perpendicular to the floor Then lift both legs and kick up in a straight line down lowering straight legs or knees to chest first Place the crown of the head on the mat Take a few steps forward until your upper body simultaneously up or bring the knees to the chest Keep the legs active and the back of the body Hold the posture for 5 10 breaths and then come 88 andean yoga f low before you arrive on the mat
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7 Salamba Sirsasana II Tripod stand Hands on the floor shoulder width apart Lean forward placing the crown of the head past the hands Lift the knees stretch the legs Press the heels back Elbows on top of wrists upper arms parallel to the floor Lift both legs simultaneously or bring the knees into the forearm and kick up in a straight line lowering straight legs or knees to forearm first before you Keep the legs active and the back of the body Hold the posture for 5 10 breaths and then come down 90 andean yoga f low arrive on the mat
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8 Adho Mukha Vriksana Handstand Place your mat and stand two hands a part from a wall Index fingers parallel hands shoulder width apart Lift the knees straighten the legs Press the heels Taking a few steps forward Raise your hips Then lift both legs at the same time or bring knees to chest and kick Keep the shoulders apart and away from the mat Back body straight legs active Ribs and belly in to avoid curve The gaze or drishti between the hands Hold the posture for 5 10 breaths and then come down lowering straight legs or knees to chest first before you arrive on the mat andean yoga f low 93
9 Malasana Garland Pose Feet hip with apart Toes pointing sligthly outward Soles of the feet on the mat Elbows between knees Hands in prayer position Press elbows into knee lift the chest and lay on your back Hold for 5 breaths and release sit back on mat 94 andean yoga f low
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10 Shalamba Sarvangasana Shoulder Stand Resting on your back elbows against the mat bring the knees to the chest and kick the legs straight up with flat hands fingers pointing up ribs in down with hands flat on the mat with legs straight the pose Raise the hips from the floor Support the lower back Toes spreading pointing up back of the body active Hold for 5 10 breaths and gently release come 96 andean yoga f low or knee to chest transition while unfolding from
11 Halasana Plough Pose From candle pose bring the hips slightly forward and bring the legs overhead Legs and knees active Then tuck the toes and send the heels back Make the trunk perpendicular to the floor Hands may support your back or interlocked with extended arms Shoulders are pressing on the mat Neck is relaxed Hold for 5 breaths Release by bringing the hands flat on the mat and gently bring the legs forward into a resting pose andean yoga f low 97
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12 Matsyasana Fish Pose Pointing the toes forward come to your elbows Press the elbows into the mat and increase the curve in the middle back Lean the head back crown of the head into the mat Extend and lengthen the upper front part of the body the mat tuck the chin to chest and release the pose Hold for 5 breaths Then pressing the elbows into by sliding your elbows forward andean yoga f low 99
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Savasana Corpse Pose Invite your students to lay down on thier mat Technique Feet wider than hips hands wider than shoulders Invite to connect and let go of the physical body Technique Awareness of the body on a heel to crown basis Invite to connect and let go of the energetic body Technique Awareness of the breath pulsation of the body with the subtle body Invite to connect and stay in touch Technique Detachment beyond identity and duality Period of silence 3 minutes Invite your students to come back into their physical body Technique Move toes and fingers roll ankles and wrists Rest 1 minute Roll to the right side using the arm as a pillow Come back to comfortable seated posture andean yoga f low 101
pranayama Invite your students to sit cross legged with open knees long spine tucked chin neck flat crown to the sky Introduce a short practice of Nadi Shodhana 3 minutes Finish by resting hands on thighs in chin mudra meditation Invite your students to close their eyes Invite your students to sit accordingly Invoke silence 1 minute samadhi Bring your palms to the chest Integrate the three worlds with 3 AUMS Bow into Namaste 102 andean yoga f low
end of class andean yoga flow Warm Up 10 minutes Uku Pacha 30 minutes Kai Pacha 30 minutes Hanaq Pacha 30 minutes Savasana 10 minutes Pranayama 5 minutes Meditation 3 minutes Samadhi 2minutes Total Duration 2 hours andean yoga f low 103
TEACH ING INTI NAMAS KAR VERSION A B 104 andean yoga f low
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INTI NAMASKAR A 1 Samasthiti Stand with feet hip width apart Legs active Toes pressing down knee caps pointing up Engage the thighs and glutes Lengthen the spine Roll the shoulders tuck the tail chin in crown of the head to sky 2 Inhale Raising both hands Lift the shoulders side body long 3 Exhale Fold forward taking the chest toward the knees as you look toward the toes Keep the hips aligned with the ankles 8 Inhale Lift the chest lenghten the spine as you gaze forward 9 Exhale Fold forward taking the chest to the thighs and gazing to the toes Stretch the back of the legs hips in line to ankles Hands are down touching the floor or the shins 10 Inhale Raise both hands lift the shoulders up and back side body long Look up and exhale release the pose back to Samasthiti 4 Inhale Lengthen the spine as you take your gaze to the horizon You may bring hands to knee 5 Exhale Step or jump back Lower down while gazing straight ahead You may bring the knees down for support Float or touch the mat with your body 6 Inhale Press hands arms straight Tuck the tail lift the chest Top of the feet pressing knees off the mat 7 Exhale Press your hands send your hips back Shoulder blades touchings armpits open Lift your sit bones tuck the tail Press the heels down into the mat or sligthtly bend your knees Gazing between the knees or the belly button HOLD THE POSTURE FOR 5 BREATHS AND ON THE LAST EXHALE WALK OR JUMP FORWARD andean yoga f low 107
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INTI NAMASKAR B 1 Samasthiti Stand with feet hip width apart Legs active Toes pressing down knee caps pointing up Engage the thighs and glutes Lengthen the spine Roll the shoulders tuck the tail chin in crown of the head to sky 2 Inhale As you bend your knees and raise hands up The gaze towards your risen hands 3 Exhale Fold forward taking the chest toward the knees as you look toward the toes Keep the hips aligned with the ankles 4 Inhale Lengthen the spine as you take your gaze to the horizon You may bring hands to knee 5 Exhale Step or jump back Lower down while gazing straight ahead You may bring the knees down for support Float or touch the mat with your body 6 Inhale Press hands arms straight Tuck the tail lift the chest Top of the feet pressing knees off the mat 7 Exhale Press your hands send your hips back Shoulder blades touching armpits open Lift your sit bones tuck the tail Press the heels down into the mat or sligthtly bend your knees Gazing between the knees or the belly button 8 Inhale Bring your right foot forward high heel in the back Align your hips to the front edge of the mat and raise your arms up for the last part of the inhale 9 Exhale Bring the hands down kick the feet back for a low plank Toes are tucked Back of the body is active 10 Inhale Press hands arms straight Tuck the tail lift the chest Top of the feet pressing knees off the mat 11 Exhale Press your hands send your hips back Shoulder blades touching armpits open Lift your sit bones tuck the tail Press the heels down into the mat or sligthtly bend your knees Gazing between the knees or the belly button 12 Inhale Bring your left foot forward high heel in the back Align your hips to the front edge of the mat and raise your arms up for the last part of the inhale 13 Exhale Bring the hands down kick the feet back for a low plank Toes are tucked Back of the body is active 14 Inhale Press hands arms straight Tuck the tail lift the chest Top of the feet pressing knees off the mat 15 Exhale Press your hands send your hips back Shoulder blades touchings armpits open Lift your sit bones tuck the tail Press the heels down into the mat or sligthtly bend your knees Gazing between the knees or the belly button HOLD THE POSTURE FOR 5 BREATHS AND ON THE LAST EXHALE WALK OR JUMP FORWARD 16 Inhale Lengthen the spine as you take your gaze to the horizon You may bring hands to knee 17 Exhale Fold forward taking the chest toward the knees as you look toward the toes Keep the hips aligned with the ankles 18 Inhale As you bend your knees and raise hands up The gaze towards your risen hands Exhale release the pose back to Samasthiti andean yoga f low 109
Daya Nimai Das Andean Yoga Flow Andean School of Yoga Alternative Holistic Health Service Pisac Cusco Peru Photography Editorial THOTSE www thotse com Editor Thotse Sirius Photography Thotse Sirius Design Adita Void 110 aurore